The Entire Batch from 12K applicants to 126(I guess)
So, I will continue telling you the Journey of the scholarship.
Well, after Kuhan dapat terima tawaran YTM, dan settle checklist such as:-
Medical Check-up
Duti Setem
Hostel Application
Beli barang keperluan
(Collection) 😜💲💲
Kuhan kena attend YTM Induction Camp. Camp ini to foster the relationship between you and YTM & TM as well.
This time, the camp was held at Kinrara Resort , Kinrara. The luxury resort which is literally blew our mind!
Ni view dia dari luar bilik! Cantik and so calm.
Side view
Ni la bilik kami!😊😊.
Roomates from day 1 till a best friend till Jannah! Gituhh!
Dewan for briefing and activities. So,most of the time, we will be here for briefing,ice breaking among 126 students (largest intake during that time).
Main view
So, kami stay di sini from 14- 17th June.Di sinilah, kami jumpa semua scholar YTM intake 2016.
Selfie during break! :D
Diva, Sri,June and Me😻😻
After night activities..
Suvi,Diva,Sri,Risha,Kresha and Me😻😻😻( 2016)
Favourite Spot!Food man!!!!!😇😇😇😇
Food Again!
Food again! Trust me the foods are hella tasty!
The corridor!
Entrance to Dine area.